Computer problems
How to fix windows 7 error “The user profile service failed
the logon, user profile cannot be loaded.”
If you having a problem to log on your computer where your
computer tells you “the user profile service failed the logon, user profile
cannot be loaded”, don’t worry, you just need few minutes to fix the problems.
Here’s what you can do.
Step 1: Shutdown your computer and restart the
computer. (*Shutdown. Do not restart)
Wait 5 seconds before turn on the
computer. Try to log on again, if succeeded the problem is solved.
If failed follow the next step.
Step 2: Restart the computer and press F8 keys repeatedly before windows logo appears.
Step 3: In the ADVANCED BOOT OPTIONS, select SAFE MODE and press ‘enter’.
Step 4: Log in to
your account.
Step 5: click start, in the search box type “regedit” and press enter.
This will open up Registry Editor window.
Step 6: In registry editor window, click on the [+] of folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then click;
[+] Microsoft
current version
profile list
Step 7: Look for
folder name S-1-5-21 that continue
with long numbers behind.
Step 8: Click the
folder and click profile image path
from the right box side and verified
that that is the user account. Look at data
column. It should state C:\user\yourprofilename
Step 9: If you
have two folder starts with S-1-5-21
followed by same long number and one of them ended with .bak, change the .bak to
normal one by following this step.
Choose folder without .bak, right click it, choose rename and add .ba at
the end of the folder.
Right click
the folder with .bak, choose rename
and remove .bak at the end of the
folder name.
Right click
folder with .ba, choose rename and change .ba to .bak.
Step 10: Choose
folder without .bak, right click on Refcount and and select Modify. A popped out window will
appears. [Edit DWORD (32-bit) value]
Step 11: Under
the value data box, type 0. Click OK.
Step 12: Right click on State and select Modify.
Under the value data box type 0 and then click OK.
Step 13: Close the Registry Editor windows. Restart
the computer and logged on to your
account again.
Good luck and have fun with your computer!